Sri Lanka is famously known as the pearl of Indian Ocean. Golden beaches, thrilling waves, misty mountains, tropical forests, mighty elephants, stealthy leopards, giant whales, a majestic past, lovely tea and warm smiles are on offer in this paradise island. Sri Lanka is one of the few places in the world where you can enjoy high physical diversity in such a small span of land.
The island is geographically well located and blessed with a mild climate all year around and a cool climate in the hill country.
Sri Lanka boasts eight UNESCO protected World Heritage Sites; ranging from ancient ruins to natural wonders. Sri Lanka is enriched with a history that predates back to the time of the cave men themselves. Sri Lanka offers an array of holiday experiences from sun kissed beach holidays to wildlife watching, adventure holidays and pilgrimage to ancient cities.
Sri Lanka is a place where you can refresh your soul and spirit using Aurveda – the oldest and most holistic medical system available in the world.
Sri Lanka is a popular destination for spicy food and exotic fruits. Tourists can enjoy a varied cuisine with rice, curries, sea food, desserts and wonderful array of snacks.
Shopping in Sri Lanka can take many forms: haggling with a handicraft-seller while sunbathing on the beach; choosing fruit from the traditional village store or checking out the bargain-priced latest international fashions while enjoying the ambience of luxurious shopping centers in Colombo. Also Sri Lanka has the widest variety of precious stones among the world's gem producing countries - blue sapphires, star sapphires, rubies, cat's eye, garnets, moonstones, alexandrite, aquamarines and topazes being just a dazzling handful.
World famous hospitality and the warm smiles of Sri Lankans; you will feel at home, with many things to explore.
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